Moments ago I signed off on the final production proofs of my children’s book about the energy transition: Amy’s Balancing Act!
It’s been a huge journey getting to this point and I’m equal parts excited and relieved. To help share the excitement, here’s a sneak peek at the cover.

The editing and illustration process has taken a little longer than I’d planned, but I’m absolutely delighted at how much better the story’s become through the process. The team at Little Steps Publishing have done a great job and endured a major number of final minor edits… As for the illustrations, well it’s difficult to capture my enthusiasm as it’d be wrong to use expletives around a kids book, but they are freaking amazing!
A huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the kickstarter campaign that made this dream possible. For those that missed that, you can now pre-order a limited edition signed copy from
For more about the book and the latest updates on the kickstarter page.